Here's what our customers are saying

  • I just got the support balm today - getting over Covid so I put some on immediately. I was feeling awful and had my husband put it down my spine, back of my neck, and around my ears. About 20 minutes in and I just felt better. I wasn't achy and I was able to run two more meetings.

  • My son is five and has PANDAS/Autism and OMG. We are in a flare right now so things can be crazy. He sat and played and when it was bath time he got in the tub no troubles. He is verbal but not where most five year olds are. He was talking non-stop. The amount of sentences our son is putting together is mind blowing! You've definitely created something special.

  • I made it through the whole day in the office today with lots of work to do and didn't crave a Vyvanse at all. I applied it behind my ears. on my wrists, and the base of my neck. I've been trying to get off my Vyvanse for years because I don't like the side effects and it's addicting so I always feel like I need it.

  • I applied the support balm to the back of my neck and wrists. Everything was so clear. I didn't have any brain fog, I was focused. I usually have a hard time making it to the end of the day. I was able to tackle bath time with a 5 year old and 5 month old with ease. Just so much energy.

  • Applied the support balm on my son before bed and when he went to sleep he slept well. He usually wakes 2-3 times at night, but he only woke up once and slept until 8 this morning.

  • It's only been a few days since starting to use the support balm, but so far it seems to be helping my grandson with his ADHD. He's been able to focus more at school. For me, I noticed I have more energy and mental clarity. I saw that it was helping people with their sleep, so I tried it. I was hesitant because I didn't understand how it would help with sleep if it gives me energy during the day. I went for it and I love it! I'm not sure what kind of witchery you're using in this balm, but keep it up.

  • I just lost my mom in June so I had to take sleeping meds to help calm me down to get to sleep. Last night I didn't need them and even when I woke up I was able to go back to sleep without my mind racing.

  • I applied some support balm when I got out of the shower this morning (6am) but, I was still feeling sluggish all morning. Well, I was going to start school with the kids, so I applied some on their feet, big toes, brains stem, spine, and wrists. I decided to apply a little more to myself. I finished the dishes/cleaned up the kitchen while the boys finished their morning chores. I feel a clarity in my brain that is uncommon for me at this point in my health journey. Finally some motivation is happening!!!

  • I tried the support balm for the first time last night and kept falling asleep watching tv. I ended up going to bed an hour early and slept great!

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